Areas of application



This type of hood is ideal for the containment of dust and particles that develop continuously within a working area. The down cross laminar flow hood has been designed with the aim of decontaminating a working area, where dust and particles develop continuously. The hood is generally used to protect machinery and operators, as well as the products themselves to be treated. The equipment is made entirely of AISI 304 or 316L stainless steel, with a bright or scotch brite external finish.
All components are coplanar with each other, with rounded edges, which are easy to clean.
The Down Cross hood is equipped with constant flow electric fans, with direct current motor; an electronic module fixed directly to the motor ensures commutation of the rotor and control of its operation.
The management of the operating point takes place through dedicated electronics, installed on the machine, which allows you to view and control the characteristics of the machine. The constant control of the flow rate, the display of the alarms that can be set, also reduce maintenance activities to a minimum, with optimal operation in all conditions. The machine works with partial recirculation
Phamm Engineering’s great manufacturing flexibility makes it possible to produce non-standard models according to customer specifications.
Prodotto ideato e costruito conforme all’installazione in locali classificati GMP o ISO
Installazione veloce. Il prodotto viene fornito pre assemblato e collaudato
Vasta scelta di dimensioni e versioni rendo il prodotto flessibile ed adattabile. E’ possibile fornire soluzioni taylor made su esigenza del cliente.
Ingombri ridotti ed ottimizzati sia per l’installazione sia per le spedizioni
Il controllo fornito a bordo del prodotto garantisce la massima semplicità di utilizzo. Le funzioni incorporate nelle versioni più evolute garantiscono la totale automaticità del prodotto
Tutte le superfici sono realizzate ed ottimizzate per garantire la massima pulizia e il minor accumulo di polvere e sporco